The Preaching Cohort

The Preaching Cohort is a learning experience designed for the development of and collaboration among female preachers. This learning experience is designed for women who are looking to develop their preaching skills, learn helpful techniques, and better understand the dynamics of being a female preacher. The Cohort is most beneficial for women who preach at least three times a year in their local church.

Some of the topics covered in the Preaching Cohort include but are not limited to: 

  • defining your preaching values

  • engaging the Bible and resources thoughtfully

  • social location in the pulpit

  • technique, form, and storytelling

  • interacting with feedback

The Preaching Cohort meets weekly for 8 weeks for a 90-minute class over Zoom. Cohort participants will also have one, 1:1 coaching session with Renée during the 8 weeks. 

The cost of the Preaching Cohort is $400. 

The January 2024 Cohort will begin the week of January 22, 2024.

Please note: The day and time of each Cohort are determined by the availability of those who register.