
  • “The preaching cohort was extremely helpful and what I learned continues to make a difference in my preaching. It was incredibly helpful to journey through the process with other female preachers and share ideas, and also encourage one another. The biggest takeaway for me was the preaching values. It not only gives me a yardstick, but also acts as a guide for the kind of preacher I want to be, the quality of context/message I want to deliver, and what I would like to see happen when I preach."

    - Pastor, CA

  • "I came into this preaching cohort a little skeptical because I didn't know Renée, but I am so grateful I signed up. I didn't realize how much it would mean to me to be in a group of women preachers. I have been preaching for 10 years and have never had that! On top of that, the content was great. Each week I came away with something new that I wanted to apply to my preaching or implement at the church I serve. "

    -Pastor, MI

  • "Renée offered wisdom and practical insight that continues to bear fruit in my preaching from preparation to feedback and everything in between. I feel more prepared, less alone, and confident moving forward from our eight weeks together."

    -Pastor, TX

  • “I want to recommend this cohort to everyone - both men and women! All of it was so good, while also real and authentic. I felt so much more confident as a speaker after spending time with these other women who also wrestle through the same issues, insecurities, and challenges. This is exactly what I needed. Complete game changer for me as a new pastor!”

    -Pastor, VA

  • "Renée is warm, clear and dedicated to the health of the preacher's soul as well as the quality of her/his message."

    -Church Leader, TX

  • "Participating in the preaching cohort freed me to embrace the style that comes naturally to me while also helping me to clarify my purpose when in the pulpit."

    -Pastor, CO

  • "It is clear that Renee is for preachers and women and this work. She celebrates others well, she's incredibly inclusive, ensuring diversity with what she chooses to be a part of and she's fiercely curious in all the best ways. She is a wealth of knowledge, a gifted communicator and her perspective is unmatched. Renee can teach and articulate clearly how to navigate all parts of the preaching process, often diving deeper on specific questions or issues in order to stretch participants to think in a fresh way that they previously did not even know was possible."

    -Pastor, OH

  • "This course blessed me tremendously and will continue to for a very long time."

    -Pastor, NY